Spread Hope by Sharing National Infertility Awareness for People Dealing With the Struggles of Infertility

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Infertility affects more than 50 million couples every day worldwide. Like many, we observe National Infertility Awareness Week from April 24-30. We encourage anyone struggling with infertility to take this time to reflect and share their thoughts and experiences around infertility to help others realize they aren’t alone in this.

Across the globe, people are coping with fertility issues, so much so that the World Health Organization has officially recognized it as a public health issue worldwide. And here in the U.S., the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention asserts that there are more than one million couples who aren’t able to become pregnant even after trying for up to a year.

Did you know that there is a color designated for infertility? Orange is the symbolic color of infertility and wearing it shows support for people in the infertility community. This health condition is more than a medical issue leading to severe emotional strain. Bringing awareness to it helps people struggling with infertility to get the medical and psychological support they need while making society more aware.

Infertility Facts

  • Over 85,000 women choose IVF.
  • One-third of women over 35 struggle to conceive.
  • Both being overweight or underweight can affect fertility levels.
  • 10% of women under 44 face infertility issues in the U.S.
  • Infertility in men typically stems from low levels of sperm or abnormal movement of sperm.

 Why Promote Infertility Awareness

When the public is more educated and therefore tolerant, it becomes that much easier for those facing infertility issues to think about getting treatment. Now more than ever, thanks to social media and access to the internet, it’s easier to impact society’s perception for the better! And as we have seen so many times, it changes the lives of the people facing infertility. You can share information about infertility with your friends, family and coworkers as well as with the world online.

Social Media is great for sharing the following:

  • Helpful educational materials
  • Actual stories of overcoming infertility and becoming a parent
  • Links to events geared at supporting those dealing with infertility
  • Referencing professionals in reproductive medicine
  • Voicing words of encouragement

When it comes to infertility, it often boils down to couples who can’t conceive and women who can’t carry to full term. Feeling supported can help you get through the struggles and find hope and other avenues that can help you conceive and carry to term. 

Common Causes of Infertility

Infertility affects men and women equally and occasionally both partners have factors affecting their fertility. After trying to conceive for 12 months, it is recommended  to meet with a doctor or reproductive endocrinologist to find out what is going on and find the right treatment. For women over 35 years old, 6 months is the point one should seek the help of a specialist.  One of the most common causes of infertility in women involves ovulation disorders, polycystic ovary syndrome(PCOS) being one of the most common. PCOS occurs in a few stages and is many times overcome with the proper medication and informed treatment. Another infertility condition that occurs in women is a lowered ovarian reserve. This happens naturally as a woman’s eggs diminish monthly with every menstrual cycle. And then there is endometriosis, a medical condition that causes the growth of the tissue inside the uterus to form outside the uterus. It is for these kinds of health issues that upwards of 85,000 women receive IVF treatments every year. 

Reach Out

Raising awareness can motivate you or someone you know who is dealing with infertility to visit a specialist to detect and diagnose fertility problems with the appropriate treatment so that it doesn’t worsen. Our Utah Fertility Center team encourages you to visit a doctor to assist you on your journey, help a friend make a visit to a doctor and post articles on social media and encourage people to see a doctor so they don’t lose hope. The good news is, there is hope for families struggling with infertility and our Utah Fertility Center team is uniquely equipped to help you find those solutions!