Spread Hope by Sharing National Infertility Awareness for People Dealing With the Struggles of Infertility

Infertility affects more than 50 million couples every day worldwide. Like many, we observe National Infertility Awareness Week from April 24-30. We encourage anyone struggling with infertility to take this time to reflect and share their thoughts and experiences around infertility to help others realize they aren't alone in this. Across the globe, people are coping with fertility issues, so... read more »

Would You Like to Know More About IVF Success Rates?

Did you know that one in eight U.S. couples is affected by infertility? Thankfully, in-vitro fertilization (or IVF), is the number one avenue sought by infertile couples wanting to have children. A normal IVF cycle typically lasts 6-8 weeks and involves the following: -A woman takes fertility medications to hyperstimulate her ovaries -A trigger injection is done of the medicine... read more »