What Does It Mean When a Woman Experiences Premature Ovarian Failure?

If you are a woman in good health, your ovaries are designed to regularly produce a hormone called estrogen. This vital hormone works by controlling your menstrual periods while ensuring fertility if you want to get pregnant. As you would expect, as you age there comes a point where your ovaries will eventually stop producing this important hormone. Premature Ovarian... read more »

Understanding the Impact of Your Thyroid on Infertility

If you are trying to conceive, did you know that the tiny butterfly-shaped gland in your body (your thyroid), is located at the base of your neck right below your larynx (or voice box) and is closely connected to your fertility? In fact, this vital gland, coupled with your reproductive organs (both the ovaries or testes) works together to make... read more »

Beat Infertility by Understanding and Tracking Your Menstrual Cycle

If you have been trying to conceive and it's taking longer than you expected, you are not alone. One in eight couples experience infertility.  The better you can understand your cycle, the better you can determine if you simply need to give it more time, or if you should seek the help of an expert.  You can chart your fertility... read more »

What our Reproductive Specialists Need to Know to Support Your Fertility Treatment

To successfully help you on your fertility journey, it is important that you are upfront with your fertility team when providing essential information. This helps us accurately assess, diagnose and treat you on your pregnancy journey. Our board-certified reproductive specialists will be more equipped to give you the help you need when they know the details of your overall health... read more »

When Should a Man Seek Fertility Treatments?

You may be surprised to hear that 40 percent of infertility causes can be attributed to male infertility.  Sorry guys, but there is good news.   In most cases, a reproductive endocrinologist or reproductive urologist can identify the problem with an evaluation of the male reproductive system.   The production of healthy sperm and the sperm transport system are both essential for... read more »