Spread Hope, Peace and Light in Recognition of Pregnancy and Infant Loss Awareness Month

Fertility Facts: 1 in 4 women will lose a baby during pregnancy, delivery or infancy. 1 in 160 pregnancies will end in stillbirth. Pregnancy and Infant Loss Remembrance Month is an annual day of remembrance which is observed every October 15th for families who have experienced pregnancy loss and infant death. Pregnancy loss can occur through miscarriage, stillbirth, SIDS, ectopic... read more »

Celebrating National Infertility Awareness Week® April 18-24th, 2021

In the quest to conceive, about 1-in-8 couples are dealing with infertility while trying to conceive naturally. In fact, over six million women are diagnosed with fertility issues just in the U.S. alone. April is Infertility Awareness Week and our Fertility Center team wants to help our parents-to-be understand that you are not alone in your struggles to conceive and... read more »


Genetic Testing Can Help You Achieve a Healthy Pregnancy

About 10-25% of pregnancies end in miscarriage. It's estimated that 40% to 75% of miscarriages are due to random genetic problems in the developing baby. One in eight couples will face infertility and may need to seek help from a fertility specialist in order to conceive. There is growing evidence that genetic abnormalities may be present in 10% of infertile... read more »


Trying Again After Miscarriage The question of “How long should we wait, before trying again after a miscarriage” is one Dr. Deirdre Conway of Utah Fertility Center is very familiar with. Patients who experience a pregnancy loss often wonder how soon they can try again. According to a study recently published in the journal of Obstetrics & Gynecology, trying again... read more »


Miscarriages are common, and one or even two miscarriages are not in themselves indicative of future fertility. Many couples go on to have healthy children on their own after losing two pregnancies. If you have had two or more pregnancy losses you may want to look closely at possible reasons. There are many causes, but they are usually divided into... read more »