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Trouble conceiving is a problem that plagues many couples, as statistically, one in every eight couples face fertility issues. When a couple has difficulty conceiving it can be very tough to deal with and talk about. Commonly, couples feel isolated as they continue struggling to get pregnant, while their typical support group, friends and family are growing their families around them, They question arises of when is it time see a fertility specialist.

Conception is a deeply personal issue, and many would prefer to continue trying on their own, Speaking with a specialist can often mean having to acknowledge that there may be a problem—something many hope and pray is not the case. However, speaking with a specialist can offer you the answers you need to clarify the next steps you may need to take to conceive.

Here are some general guidelines to determining when you should consider seeing a fertility specialist:

Time Trying

Women under 35, who have tried to conceive for more than a year without success, should speak with a fertility specialist, as there might be an underlying issue with you or your partner, preventing you from conceiving.


When it comes to the biological clock, men don’t experience the same drop in fertility that women do. As women age their ability to get pregnant declines. Women are born with all of their eggs, so over time the egg quality wanes and fewer eggs will fertilize to become healthy pregnancies. Fertility rates tend to drop as women reach 35 yrs. old and by age 40 there is a significantly lower chance for women to get pregnant on their own. Because of this, seeking help from a Reproductive Endocrinologist after 6 months of trying is recommended. There are a number of ways fertility treatments can improve the chances of conceiving for women above 35 years old.


Having a miscarriage is not uncommon. But having multiple miscarriages generally indicates that there is something causing them. If you have experienced multiple miscarriages, it can be very taxing on your emotional well-being. It is definitely wise to seek advice from a fertility specialist. There are a handful of causes that a specialist can help you identify or rule out. They can also provide options to lessen the likelihood of additional miscarriages happening.

Irregular Ovulation

If you are having irregular periods, it can be hard to determine when your body is ovulating. If your body is ovulating irregularly, getting pregnant can be exceedingly difficult. A specialist can help you regulate your periods using fertility medications to balance hormones. A specialist will also view using ultrasound to monitor and visually verify that the medications are working and determine or control when ovulation will take place.

Basic Fertility Tests

There are three things needed for conception to take place. A healthy egg, healthy sperm, and a place for the newly formed embryo to grow. If you have had trouble conceiving, one or more of those things have been compromised. Having a fertility workup should include testing of all three of those areas. Basic fertility tests can help identify problems in the reproductive system and treatments can be structured to overcome those problems.

Knowing when to see a specialist can be a complex question; getting help is the most important part to overcoming infertility, so either talk to your current physician about your concerns or make an appointment to see a fertility specialist.