There Are Things You Can Do to Improve the Health and Quality of Your Sperm

If you are wanting to become a father, and are looking for ways to optimize your fertility, today's blog is for you. You might be surprised by all the nuances that can add up to boosting your sperm count, whether it's the things you consume or the things that you do. When you implement changes in your lifestyle, keep in... read more »

Have You Considered Using an Egg Donor to Conceive?

As a woman, when a doctor tells you that your eggs are of a poor quality to conceive or that you have no eggs to fertilize, you can still achieve your maternal dreams with the help of an egg donor. Using an egg donor to achieve fertilization is more common than ever before. This might have to do with the... read more »

How Ovulation Induction Can Help You Conceive

When a womans reproductive system fails to work as it was designed to, she may be engaged in an ongoing struggle to conceive naturally. This scenario may arise as the result of polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS), or irregular menstrual cycles which prevent the egg from maturing and releasing properly. Another viable option for dealing with infertility includes ovulation induction, which... read more »

Guest Blog: Father’s Day

I'm Tyler Parcell, and I'm the dad of almost 2-year-old boy/girl twins named Harris and Goldie. Coming up on my second Father's Day, I wanted to share my thoughts on the past two years since the babies were born and I became a dad. When a baby is born, a dad is born. I have wanted to become a father... read more »

What Is Male Factor?

Complications involving fertility may occur on the part of the female partner, male partner or both. As much as 50% of infertility cases involve male factor issues; however, men are less likely to be referred for analysis. There are many factors that can lead to male infertility, and we invite you to learn about some the complications you may face.... read more »

Preimplantation Testing in Embryos

There are a number of treatment options available for those suffering from infertility.  If in vitro fertilization is the treatment that best suits your particular situation, there are two types of genetic testing that can be done at Utah Fertility Center,  during the IVF process. Preimplantation genetic diagnosis and preimplantation genetic screening are used for different reasons but each can... read more »