Helping You Understand the Link Between Mental Health and Infertility

For millions of people struggling with infertility, a toll is taken on their mental health as expectations go unmet. Around 15% of couples face infertility which often leads to anxiety and emotional distress in both men and women experiencing deep feelings of grief and loss. Undergoing medical treatment, the ongoing toll of expenses and the general uncertainty surrounding the outcome... read more »

Age and Fertility: Conceiving in Your 20’s, 30’s and 40’s

Age is an important factor for a woman trying to conceive. There are unique challenges to keep in mind when trying to conceive in your 20's, 30's and 40's. Egg quantity and egg quality are directly affected as a woman ages. Did you know that a woman is born with all the eggs she will ever have, somewhere in the... read more »

Intrauterine Insemination May Be the Right Choice to Help You Conceive!

There are a variety of reasons a couple may find themselves struggling with infertility. No matter what the cause, not being able to conceive can leave you feeling anxious, uncertain and frustrated with your efforts of expanding your family. It can be taxing mentally, emotionally and even physically. The good news is, the fertility journey can continue, and there are... read more »

Wellness Techniques for a Healthier Lifestyle!

Wellness and Fertility in 2020 If getting pregnant in 2020 is your ultimate goal, Utah Fertility Center is here to help you achieve that goal in a setting filled with compassion, dignity, and joy! We are excited to help you focus on your physical and mental well-being as you explore the options on your journey to conception. Making important decisions... read more »

Is Your Lifestyle Encouraging Conception?

When it comes to your body and fertility, there are various factors that can influence your outcome. Even something as simple as your lifestyle can make a difference when it comes to conception, your pregnancy, and the health of your developing baby. The good news is, while you don’t always have control over other factors, you do have control over... read more »


Overall health is important, but here are areas you can focus on in order to optimize your fertility. Dr. Deirdre Conway discusses four health aspects that can enhance your fertility naturally or in conjunction with treatment. Ways to Optimize your Fertility Physical Health The more we learn about infertility, the more we discover about how lifestyle factors can contribute to... read more »