Giving Yourself the Gift of Fertility Preservation Now for Healthy Conception Later

Sometimes women have circumstances where they want to set aside their eggs now to create a pregnancy at a later date, through a process called fertility preservation. This is a way to extend your fertility window and provide fertility options in the future. The reason for doing this is varied; sometimes a medical condition like cancer can lead to the... read more »

Spread Hope by Sharing National Infertility Awareness for People Dealing With the Struggles of Infertility

Infertility affects more than 50 million couples every day worldwide. Like many, we observe National Infertility Awareness Week from April 24-30. We encourage anyone struggling with infertility to take this time to reflect and share their thoughts and experiences around infertility to help others realize they aren't alone in this. Across the globe, people are coping with fertility issues, so... read more »

Understanding the Impact of Your Thyroid on Infertility

If you are trying to conceive, did you know that the tiny butterfly-shaped gland in your body (your thyroid), is located at the base of your neck right below your larynx (or voice box) and is closely connected to your fertility? In fact, this vital gland, coupled with your reproductive organs (both the ovaries or testes) works together to make... read more »

Debunking the Most Common Fertility Myths!

If you have been trying to conceive for a while, you are probably no stranger to the misinformation surrounding fertility, whether it's online on social media or heard when talking to friends and family. Truth is, there are quite a few fertility myths that should be debunked. Our goal is to help you focus on your fertility journey without wasting... read more »

5 of the Most Common Questions Our Embryologists Hear During IVF Treatment

This month's blog is a Q&A of the top five questions our Utah Fertility Center team commonly gets about embryology. This branch of biology and medicine is concerned with the study of embryos and their development. Embryologists are scientists who combine the sperm and egg to help an embryo grow in a controlled environment, and because of this, they play... read more »

Benefits of Fertility Support

Planning to add children to your family is an exciting time but can lead to frustration when pregnancy does not easily occur. As infertility specialists, we understand that facing infertility often comes unexpectedly. We recognize that seeing a fertility specialist is not on most peoples wish list, but we are happy we can offer solutions to restore your family building... read more »

Practical Solutions For Secondary Infertility

There are two kinds of infertility for women - primary and secondary. Primary infertility is when a woman can't get pregnant, after trying for a year without using contraception, or six months if she is over 35. Secondary infertility can arise in women if they have had one or more successful pregnancies but can't seem to get pregnant again. Utah... read more »

Beat Infertility by Understanding and Tracking Your Menstrual Cycle

If you have been trying to conceive and it's taking longer than you expected, you are not alone. One in eight couples experience infertility.  The better you can understand your cycle, the better you can determine if you simply need to give it more time, or if you should seek the help of an expert.  You can chart your fertility... read more »

Helping Another Family Conceive With the Gift of an Egg Donation

November is a time of reflection, of giving and being thankful. As a woman, did you know that you can donate your eggs in the same way you can donate blood, plasma or bone marrow? Giving the gift of creating a life isn't all that different from giving the gift of saving a life. Both give something priceless to people... read more »

Do You Have Questions About Intrauterine Insemination?

Intrauterine Inseminations, IUI, as it is commonly called, is a minimally invasive, relatively low-risk method of treating infertility through an insemination. This procedure uses sperm that has been washed, concentrated, and inserted into a woman's uterus with a thin catheter to result in fertilization. IUI is used to help the sperm more likely to make it to the fallopian tube... read more »